Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One step, two step, three step, PREP!

I know I've talked about how much I love to pre-pack, mainly on Sundays when I have the time. Not only does it make it easy to just grab and go but it saves you money not picking something up on a daily basis at the store on your way to work! I like a lot of variety with what I refer to as my snack packs. I try to make sure I balance what I put in them as well: fruits, veggies, protein etc. Joining the gluten free lifestyle has made this a little more tricky for me to come up with different ideas. I often bring several things on Mondays to work because I'm not always in the mood to eat what I've packed....

"its freezing outside and I have a cold sandwich??"
"its so hot outside and all I have is soup!"

That used to happen to me a lot.
Not anymore!

One of my favorite things I missed changing over to gluten free is mini quesadillas. Thankfully I finally got smart and remembered we can eat the soft corn tortillas! Horray!
So I made the following snack packs to finish up the rest of the work week for me and my honey: yum yum!

Each snack pack has either fruit, veggies or both to accompany the "main dish."

I made two with 

*Pizzadillas (Colby Jack cheese and turkey pepperoni)
*Chicken Bacon Quesadillas (Rotisserie chicken, bacon bits, spinach, gouda and hot sauce)

Hopefully this will give you a few more ideas of what to put in your snack packs!

Happy Prepping!! :-)

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